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Nodo Gordiano reaches the realization of his sixth album H.E.X. in the name of continuity and transformation. Inspired by the timeless contents of the Book of Changes, the work, entirely instrumental, features two long suites written by Andrea De Luca and Davide Guidoni, assisted by the eclectic saxes of Filippo Brilli. The first suite, a musical painting of Hexagram 32, describes the concept of duration through the wide use of arpeggiators, in order to decompose into sequences of individual events the vertical harmonic structures, the presence of several polyrhythmic sections and the apparition of natural flows (water and wind), in order to depict the complexity and synchronicity of existential paths, suspended between duration, fragment, contrast and simultaneity. The second suite, expression of Hexagram 44, reproduces the experience of encounter and relationship in its various moments, from the remote and unconscious approaching, to communication and contact, recreating the flow of emotional and vital energies connected to the presence of the other. In the second part it opens up to the dimensions of temporal perspective and panic illusion, being transported to a dreamlike and forgetful collective realm, in which, in the end, the individual experience is shattered and reabsorbed. The use of saxophones tries to reproduce the irrational factor in the first suite, apparently decontextualized in relation to the unfolding musical geometries, but which instead determines their development and evolution. On the other hand, the saxophone colors in the second suite acquire dialogic value and establish a bridge between the listener and the narration. With this album Nodo Gordiano try to condense and push to extremes the stylistic and expressive characteristics of the previous five albums, proposing a work that opens up new perspectives in the future creative activity.

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