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ENTEN HITTI - "A tutti gli uragani che ci passarono accanto" CD

ENTEN HITTI - \"A tutti gli uragani che ci passarono accanto\" CD
A few years ago, in the wake of a contract with Giovanni Lindo Ferretti and Massimo Zamboni (Consorzio Produttori Indipendenti) we composed some songs. It was something unusual for us .. but they came out a little by chance a little by necessity. Then Giovanni and Massimo took different paths and we put those lonely songs in a drawer ... with a title: "A tutti gli uragani che ci passarono accanto" (To all the hurricanes that passed by us). Now we have opened that drawer and that title seems the most suitable phrase for this moment. Now LIZARD RECORDS and ADN RECORDS will reprint "A tutti gli uragani che ci passarono accanto". May it be propitiatory! Our apocalyptic songs remained in the drawer for years return to light .. Hurricanes, shining suns, solitary utopias, lost loves, ravenous lives of life. Perhaps truly propitiatory at a time when humanity's winter dances on the planet. We won't save anyone, nobody will save us, but it's nice to be alive!
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