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ANCIENT VEIL - "I'm changing" CD

ANCIENT VEIL - \"I\'m changing\" CD
In 1985 Alessandro Serri and Edmondo Romano founded the band Eris Pluvia, a fusion of ancient and modern sounds. In 1991 they composed end produced the album "Rings of earthly light" one of the most respected international those years of progressive rock albums. In 1992 Alessandro and Edmondo left the band and with Fabio Serri created the 'Ancient Veil' project in 1995 and publish a CD with the same name. "I am changing" is the new chapter of this particular sound. The return of the founders of Eris Pluvia with a new album full of many sounds, thanks to the contribution of different precious guests. The speech is resumed, although at a distance of several years, from "Rings of earthly light", even retracing the trail blazed by "The ancient veil '. In the album there are many musicians who took part in the 1991 CD, guided work, composed and produced almost entirely by Serri and Romano. "I am changing" is therefore the natural sequel of those melodic and pastoral sounds. The songs are both instrumental and sung, and although the tracks are created to be independent, respect in quotes and arrangements the structure of Concept album. It is present inside mini suites, songs and many orchestral parts through the use of strings, oboes, flutes, clarinets ... Ancient Veil Alessandro Serri voce, chitarre elettriche, acustiche, classiche e 12 corde, basso, flauto, oboe, piano, synth, organo hammond & moog Edmondo Romano sax soprano, clarinetti, low whistle, flauto dolce sopranino soprano & contralto, french pipe Fabio Serri piano, moog, organo hammond, synth Ospiti John Bickham, Valeria Caucino, Anna Marra voci Mauro Montobbio chitarra classica e acustica Massimo De Stefano pianoforte Marco Gnecco oboe, corno inglese Sirio Restani english concertina Elisabetta Comotto flauto Roberto Piga violino, viola Stefano Cabrera violoncello Daviano Rotella rullante e piatti Martino Murtas percussioni Stefano Marazzi batteria

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