
60-70 ROCK BAND - Gravitá 9.81-Dead inside-Freedom MINI
[ECMSNG961 mi]

60-70 ROCK BAND - Gravitá  9.81-Dead inside-Freedom MINI
With this single, Electromantic Music inaugurates its new series "Singolo!

3 tracks:

the first track is an hommage to the thirty-third annyversary of the Italian band Arti & Mestieri. The 60/70 Rock Band interpret in their Purple-istic style a classic track of Arti & Mestieri from 1974: Gravitá 9.81

Dead Inside is a brand new track composed by 60/70 Rock Band.

Then Freedom is a track composed by Deep Purple in the Fireball album recording sessions, in 1971, that has not been included on the definitive album.

Piero Leporale - Vocals.

Fabrizio Fratucelli - Guitar.

Roberto Cassetta - Bass guitar.

Paolo Gambino - Organ and Keyboards.

Renzo Coniglio - Drums.


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