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ON THE WINGS OF A DREAM is a musical journey through some of the most beautiful songs of the historical bands, revisited and enriched by important collaborations, including the one with Francesca Michielin (voice in Game of Bimba), lex King Crimson David Cross (who plays the violin in six tracks) and the Finnish tenor Eero Lasorla. Inside the album, there are also two new tracks: The dance of spring and Another sky. The disc will be available in CD and on vinyl (this in a numbered version limited to 999 pieces), as well as in digital format on the main streaming platforms. ON THE WINGS OF A DREAM is played by Le Orme in the formation composed by Michi Dei Rossi (Drums, Percussions and Glockenspiel), with Michele Bon (Hammond Organ C3, Piano, Sinth and Keyboards) and Alessio Trapella (Voce, Basso and Contrabbasso). The artistic production is by Michi Dei Rossi and the executive production, as in the last four works of Le Orme, is by Love Music (Michi Dei Rossi, Enrico Vesco and Susanna Merlo). To embellish the album, the participation of important national and international artists, both in the field of music and that of art. Among the musical guests Francesca Michielin, who plays Game of a child, a song to which the artist is so fond of having inserted her in the lineup of her live concerts; David Cross, the great English violinist famous for having played in the King Crimson and a regular guest on the Italian tour of Le Orme last spring, playing the violin in Prelude, Child's play, Nocturne, The Silk Road, Hidden Truth and Friend of yesterday; Eero Lasorla, Finnish tenor, student of the Santa Cecilia Conservatory of Rome, already present in the album Classicorme of 2017, which lends his voice to the song La Via Della Seta; Ivan Geronazzo, electric guitar, classical and acoustic 12-string, which will also participate in the Tour 2019. Of great depth the contribution of the master Marco Nereo Rotelli, a contemporary artist famous all over the world for his lighting installations, which he conceived and created the album cover. Side 1 1. Estratto da Collage 2. Preludio 3. Gioco di bimba (feat. Francesca Michielin) 4. Notturno 5. La via della seta (feat. Eero Lasorla) 6. Verità nascoste Side 2 1. La danza di Primavera (new track) 2. Amico di ieri 3. Canzone d'amore 4. Un altro cielo (new track) 5. Sulle ali di un sogno Michi Dei Rossi - Batteria, Percussioni e Glockenspiel Michele Bon - Organo Hammond C3, Piano, Sinth e Tastiere Alessio Trapella - Voce, Basso e Contrabbasso Special guest: David Cross – Violin Francesca Michielin – Vocals in “Giochi di Bimba” Eero Lasorla – tenore in “La Via della Seta” Ivan Geronazzo - Guitar

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